PHAYANCHANA | Thai Consonants

     Hello everyone! Today we're going to learn Pháyancháná Thai (Thai Consosants)! There are 44 consonant letters representing 21 distinct consonant sounds. Don't think Thai alphabet is hard. I guarantee it's so easy!

The first consonant is ก ไก่ (ko kài)
"Ko" is the sound of this letter. "Kài" is a word that begins with this letter. (Like "a ant", "b bird")

Green is middle class consonants.
Blue is high class consonants.
Red is low class consonants. 

ไก่ [k/k]
/ko kài/
Kai is a chicken.

ไข่ [kh/k]
/kho khài/
Khai is an egg.

ขวด [kh/k] 
/kho khuat/ 
Khuat is a bottle. (obsoleted)

ควาย [kh/k]
/kho khwai/ 
Khwai is a buffalo.

คน [kh/k]
/kho khon/
Khon is a person. (obsoleted)

ระฆัง [kh/k] 
/kho rakhang/ 
Rakhang is a bell.

งู [ng/ng]
/ngo ngu/
Ngu is a snake.

จาน [ch/t]
/cho chan/
Chan is a plate.

 ฉิ่ง [ch/-]
/cho ching/
Ching is a cymbals.

 ช้าง [ch/t]
/cho chang/
Chang is an elephant.

 โซ่ [s/t]
/so so/
So is a chain.

 เฌอ [ch/t]
/cho choe/ 
Choe is a tree.

 หญิง [y/n] 
/yo ying/
Ying is a woman.

 ชฎา [d/t]
/do chada/
Chada is a headdress.

 ปฏัก [t/t] 
/to patak/
Patak is a javelin.

 ฐาน [th/t] 
/tho than/
Than is a pedestal.

 มณโฑ [th or d/t]
/tho montho/
Montho is a character from Ramayana.

 ผู้เฒ่า [th/t]
/tho phuthao/ 
Phuthao is an elder.

 เณร [n/n]
/no nen/ 
Nen is a samanera.

 เด็ก [d/t]
/do dek/ 
Dek is a child.

 เต่า [t/t]
/to tao/ 
Tao is a turtle.

 ถุง [th/t] 
/tho thung/ 
Thung is a sack.

 ทหาร [th/t] 
/tho tháhǎn
Thahan is a soldier.

 ธง [th/t] 
/tho thong/ 
Thong is a flag.

 หนู [n/n] 
Nu is a mouse.

 ใบไม้ [b/p] 
/bo baimai/ 
Baimai is a leaf.

 ปลา [p/p] 
/po pla/ 
Pla is a fish.

 ผึ้ง [ph/-] 
/pho phung/ 
Phueng is a bee.

 ฝา [f/-] 
/fo fa/ 
Fa is a lid.

 พาน [ph/p] 
/pho phan/ 
Phan is a phan.

 ฟัน [f/p] 
/fo fan/ 
Fan is a tooth.

 สำเภา [ph/p] 
/pho sǎmphao
Sǎmphao is a sailboat.

 ม้า [m/m] 
/mo ma/ 
Ma is a horse.

 ยักษ์ [y/-] 
/yo yák/ 
Yák is a giant.

 เรือ [r/n] 
/ro ruea/ 
Ruea is a boat.

 ลิง [l/n] 
/lo ling/ 
Ling is a monkey.

 แหวน [w/w] 
/wo wǎen
Wǎen is a ring.

 ศาลา [s/t] 
/so sara/ 
Sara is a pavilion.

 ฤๅษี [s/t] 
/so ruesi/ 
Ruesi is a hermit.

 เสือ [s/t] 
/so suea/ 
Suea is a tiger.

 หีบ [h/-] 
/ho hip/ 
Hip is a box.

 จุฬา [l/-] 
/lo chula/ 
Chula is a kite.

 อ่าง [-/-] 
/o àng/ 
Àng is a basin.

 นกฮูก [h/-] 
/ho nokhuk/
Nokhuk is a owl.

Congratulations! That's all. You've just learned all of the Thai consonants. Keep practice and you can remember it all.

Let's enjoy THAI SONGS with lyrics and translation at T-POP LYRICS!


  1. thank you for this supeeeer... now i understand the second term in consonants... its the term and it refers to corresponding photo..


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